Taming Technology
by Dr. Brian J. Nichelson
Published by: 
Cameo Publications
125 pages
Retail Price: $15.95
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Technology is everywhere. Many times, those of us who use and take advantage of technology tend to overlook the fact that there are others that are intimidated by technology. You know the type, who fear having to learn anything new, and want to do things the established, old fashioned way, even if it takes three times longer. They may also become frustrated when their favorite software or operating system needs constant upgrades or doesn't work as well as they thought, mainly due to their lack of understanding. This book is geared towards these types of people. Brian Nichelson explains ways that these fears can be overcome, and begin to learn ways to utilize technology for what it is intended -- as a tool, that helps you get from point A to point B, whether it is learning how to use a new software package to organize your inventory or programming a VCR. 
Nichelson provides what he terms as "maxims" for dealing with technology. These are broadly outlined as follows: 1) technology is simpler than it seems, 2) humans are behind all technology, and 3) all technology is interconnected. By writing in a conversational style, he encourages the reader to develop a technology strategy, and guides them through the transition of becoming comfortable with technology.  
The author, Brian J. Nichelson, Ph.D. is the Founder and Executive Director of TechMatters Institute, and helps organizations to better use technology. 

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