The Linux Cookbook
2nd Edition
by Michael Stutz
Published by: 
No Starch Press
824 pages 
Retail Price: $39.95
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In this updated 2nd edition, the author has compiled a huge number of techniques that serves as an essential reference for Linux. Covered are the various Linux distributions, with detailed sections on working with images, text, MP3s, video, and numerous packages available for Linux. The book starts off with the very basics of the operating system, with later chapters covering more advanced topics such as converting files, working with Postscript, and detailed coverage of shell commands. If you have used Linux awhile, you will appreciate these chapters the most, but still refer to the book often to find at your fingertips just the instructions you need to advance your Linux skills. The approach of the book is heavily towards using shell commands over a GUI, which a reader from a Windows background may find more difficult at first.

The book is organized as follows:
Part 1 - Working With Linux - Introduction; What Every Linux User Knows; The Shell; The X Window System
Part 2 - Files - Files and Directories; Sharing Files; Finding Files; Managing Files
Part 3 - Text - Viewing Text; Text Editing; Grammar and Reference; Analyzing Text; Formatting Text; Searching Text; Typesetting and Word Processing; Fonts
Part 4 - Images - Viewing Images; Editing Images; Importing Images; PostScript
Part 5 - Sound - Sound Files; Audio Compact Discs; Editing Sound Files
Part 6 - Productivity - Disk Storage; Printing; Cross-Platform Conversions; Reminders; Mathematics
Part 7 - Networking - Communications; Email; The World Wide Web; Other Internet Services
Appendices - Administrative Issues; Linux Web Resources; License

The author, Michael Stutz, has been working with and reporting on Linux for well over 10 years.
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