The Book of Zope
by Beehive
Published by: 
No Starch Press
402 pages, w/ CD 
Retail Price: $34.95
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In the Open Source world, Zope is the leading application Web server for content management, and in enabling web sites that are personalized, feature rich, and e-commerce capable. Written in Python (on my list of to dos to learn), a fully object-oriented programming language, the components included with Zope are quite extensive, and can be extended further through Python. Zope runs on Windows and most versions of Unix. 
Besides a Web server, included is a search engine, Web page templates, an OOD (object-oriented database) with transactional support, and numerous management tools. The book eases you through the process of installing Zope, with coverage of networking concepts, use of external data such as XML, and Zope specific components such as DTML, ZClasses, and ZCatalog. The book serves as a practical guide for enabling a web site through Zope. Zope has really come a long way as an alternative platform for applications and content management.
The authors, Beehive, specialize in Zope-enabled web sites for organizations and businesses.

Table of Contents
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